Wednesday, 30 March 2011



Universe is swirling,Earth is swirls around sun,Romeos' swirl around Juliets',We all swirl around Money($$$!)..And Deep inside our mind swirls the most,it,s finding something.Somethings like BMW 7 SERIES,Audi A4,Miami Beach Restaurant.But when reality hits a little we see it's finding a good girlfriend,good marks,good physique and so on.

But as i said it is swirling,it won,t stop at one thing.This is how swirling continues:Monkey jumps from one thing to next.Every "something" is a check point.Ever thought what's the end of this mad race??

well,the end point of this mad race is PEACE.
So where do peace resides?Peace doesn't resides in BMW 7,Nor at Miami Beach,Not even in the block where your Girlfriend resides.

Apartment of peace is b/w your shoulders>>in your chest>>slightly towards left:But deep inside.YESS!! it do resides deep inside your mind.Every now and then it marks it's presence.Ever felt a feeling"x" that you got when you shared your tiffin at school,what about sharing your ice-cream with your sibling,that "x" came in when you gave a glass of water to your tired thirsty dad..And that Mr.X is none else than PEACE

Atleast there should be one thing in universe that isn't swirling.So, stop your swirling mind and ENJOY PEACE,BE HAPPY.. :-)

Written by-
Gaurav Vasishth
Do leave a comment or mail me at

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Enjoy Your Freedom

In this World of internet without fences and walls,Who needs GATES and WINDOWS?? 

 Freedom:Who doesn't wants it??Who dosen't ask for it?Decades have past,planet earth has said good bye to colonial rule even.But still we need it.We need freedom from pollution,global warming,unwanted people,extra pounds that we carry on ourselves,poor grades and our operating system(OS) too!!Why to be slave of WINDOWS?that allow only specific paths.Why do we work the way windows want?Ain't that equal to colonial rule?Feel obsessed,Don't you??

Alright enough of question marks.Try LINUX(ubuntu).Work the way you want.Linux is based on principle of open source,which means you can access the source code;Add or delete the code you want.apart from geeky stuff,i explain with a simple example.

Suppose you want to start a business ,you buy a building.But,you are not sure for what kind of business you want to start.Owner agrees on deal with any kind of business and puts a condition.Condition that you can't change any of it's infrastructure.No matter what are your needs.Rooms will remain the same i.e design will remain the same.Sounds harsh feels even more harder.You can't manipulate the thing you own.This is windows,your lovely OS(operating system).Starting any kind of business is your multi-tasking.No doubt we can do multi tasking but thew way it want.

On the other hand.You get the same building,with same freedom of starting any business and this time you can even change it infrastructure.If you want big room,break the walls make it BIG.Generous Owner,Right?In LINUX if you want something,get codes,write it in;you get it.Else if you don't want it,trash it.ADRENALINE LINE:This owner even gives you building for free.Yess!Linux is free of cost(discussed in 1st post)



-Written By
Gaurav Vaishth
*For any queries mail me at or leave a comment

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

LUG class 2

No of ways Linux(ububtu) can be installed:
1.INSIDE WINDOWS-just like a regular this linux runs on windows OS.if you loose windows,you also loose linux.Linux Can be removed from Control Panel just by uninstalling it.
2.OUTSIDE WINDOWS-Dual OS on one system.
3.ENTIRE DISC-Installs only linux

*preffered one is outside windows
*.ext4-file format for linux

REMASTERSYS-Software for getting image of  running linux OS

*Swap Area=virutal memory for RAM optimization(at max can be only twice the existing RAM)


*Gaurav Vasishth
for any queries mail me at or leave a comment.

Sunray slap

Lying on bed till 11 o' clock,
there was a fuzzy knock on my curtain lock.
 I was tired of being tired after such a long nap,
 on drawing the curtain i got a hard SunRay Slap. 

I can,t even imagine a night in my life from last 4 years that i didn't promise my  alarm that i'll not disgrace you in morning.Every night there's a oath taking ceremony in my bed,I stretch my arm,raise my voice and say"SUNRISE WILL FOLLOW MY RISE".But next morning i find that last night oath was snored away couple of hours ago.
THEN WHAT TO DO? if every oth of yours and mine is discarded.Many of us sleep much more than biologically required sleep.THEN WHAT TO DO? If "CHALTA HAI"(it will work) or "DEKHA JAYE GA"(we'll see it later)is your soul motto,then you are wasting your time reading this.But  if you want to change this habit of yours and mine,then please continue.

 So the real solution lies in YOU!
{It's YOU who don't get up,It will be definitely YOU who will get up at time.So it's YOU who is at fault}:sounds like worst solution but remember great problems have simple solutions.

Okay i explain the solution now.Why do you and me sleep so much?? It is because we don't have anything else to do.Bored from monotonous life i.e life full of repetitions and cycles;It's really hard to get up for these things.But everyone of us gets fascinated by something.It might be cooking,singing,dressing up,reading,writing,photography or anything.Take 10 minutes from your"not so busy but seems to be busy"life and see what really fascinates you.Before setting the alarm,think of that fascinating thing that you'll do the next morning.While lying down with closed eyes imagine yourself doing that thing.And next morning do that thing.It shall surely help in getting up.

Also remember the MAGIC RULE 21:a practice continued for 21 regular days turns to HABIT.if you and me really do it,i am pretty sure that we won't need alarm on day 22!

I'll be starting it tonight.

Gaurav Vasishth
*for any queries mail me at or leave a comment.

Sunday, 13 March 2011


well this is my first blog post,so i'll try to make it brief and simple.I am Gaurav Vasishth 1st year Electrical engineering student.Creating a blog was in my mind from last 1 year but due to no reasons i was reluctant to it.Creating a blog was part of my LUG(Linux Users' Group) Class,basic aim of it was to share the things that i learn in class but apart from that i shall also be sharing my day to day activities.All i wondering for this blog of mine was a grand opening!!,but what i really expect is at least 7 members to follow in next 3 days.Now focusing on main aim of my blog>>

LINUX is based on phenomenon of open source.basically what it means is FREE!! FREE!! FREE!!,you get every thing free,while most of softwares from operating systems like windows to text-editing softwares like MS Office is paid.But here in Linux everything is free of cost from anything to anything.Even it provides you the original CD of operating system(Ubuntu) with NO SHIPPING CHARGES even.Just order it on and you'll get it at your home.Lnux is less prone to viruses.The basic reason that people don't use linux is that they are reluctant to changes and too lazy to learn new things.So,if you are adventurous enough to try new things,that too better one then welcome to the world of LINUX.

*For any queries mail me at
Gaurav Vasishth